Fishsticks Southpark Episode What Is Your Favorite Southpark Episode?

What is your favorite southpark episode? - fishsticks southpark episode

Fishsticks mine is part of a pandemic, where the murderer Guinness pigs because support from Peru


J_Salvat... said...

Lol seems to me when they go home and children is enormous and is a carnival with her and everything, and the father of the child ends up as Michael Jackson .. Lol is a total travesty of J. ..

DARK ANGEL said...

The episode in which they learn that their substitute teacher is a lesbian. One of them, I think it was Kenny, asked how a lesbian is. Then someone else (can not remember who) said that a lesbian, needs to practice, licking the carpet. I thought it was hilarious, among many other episodes.
The Jian.

mardeo said...

This season was really with the Jonas Brothers. South Park

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