Johnny G Comp What Did Johnny Vegas And Monkey Advertise Before P.G Tips??

What did Johnny Vegas and monkey advertise before P.G Tips?? - johnny g comp

Woz for digital television and is the ace of them back, because I loved before


nealo d said...

ITV Digital (lasted almost as long as a cup of PG)

douglas b said...

Digital TV.
The ads are shit, very similar to digital TV

karl e said...

I think it's BSkyB television

michelle... said...

It was for ITV Digital, which no longer exists. Notice how the ads were! lol

sheffiel... said...

I think it was for ONdigital digital TV service, which went bankrupt.

Loo said...

He announces rival for Sky Digital is digital, which lasted 18 months and folded with debts of around 550 million over 7 years.

taz c said...

ITV Digital. A type of fat and a monkey - a memorable advertising for a company that folded with massive debts.

Chey said...

one defunct company called TV .... ITV Digital was well paid at least someone!

Bluefurb... said...

ITV Digital

Janbull said...

ITV Digital

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