Pap Smear Cervical Cancer Anyone Please Answer: Can A Yearly PaP Smear Prevent Cervical Cancer? Please Someone Guide Me And Tell Me.?

Anyone please answer: Can a yearly PaP Smear prevent Cervical Cancer? Please someone guide me and tell me.? - pap smear cervical cancer

Is it true that a woman who is sexually active for a Pap test every year, it can only against HPV that cause abnormal precancerous cells. If a Pap test actually saves lives of women? Please tell me what I need to know! I have many friends who, prior to the cancer cells, followed by a Pap smear.


♥BETH♥ said...

It will not help, but you can take in its infancy when it most treatable.

Daffodil said...

A Pap test can prevent cancer of the cervix. However, you can recognize at an early stage when it can be nipped in the bud. The best way to avoid problems is to your cervix to use condoms. The Federal Government is not exposed to viruses, which sometimes can cause cervical cancer. Do not forget to have an annual Pap smear, even if you do not use condoms, because there are other causes of cancer of the cervix. They do not receive the vaccine gardisal. He threw some test subjects!
Use condoms, get a yearly PAP and go to a doctor immediately if you have ulcers or unusual discharge.

Daffodil said...

A Pap test can prevent cancer of the cervix. However, you can recognize at an early stage when it can be nipped in the bud. The best way to avoid problems is to your cervix to use condoms. The Federal Government is not exposed to viruses, which sometimes can cause cervical cancer. Do not forget to have an annual Pap smear, even if you do not use condoms, because there are other causes of cancer of the cervix. They do not receive the vaccine gardisal. He threw some test subjects!
Use condoms, get a yearly PAP and go to a doctor immediately if you have ulcers or unusual discharge.

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